The power of positivity at work and home


Some people, including spouses, significant others, parents, executives, leaders and managers, dismiss positivity as actually negative and counterproductive. Why? Because they think it’s too soft, too nice, too indirect, too weak and not honest. Of course, according to solid research, they believe and practice this at their own peril.

Research Validates the Benefits of Positivity

Dr. John Gottman and his team at the University of Washington are the most respected researchers in the world on marriage and family. They have repeatedly found that positivity in word and deed is a key factor in marital and relationship success, happiness and longevity.

For example, during a four year study of married couples, those who began with a positivity ratio below 1.0 (less than one positive comment or behavior for every negative one) were three times more likely to consider divorce, twice as likely to separate, and 2.5 times more likely to divorce, when compared with couples with a ratio of 5.0 or higher. Dr Gottman's findings allowed him to predict who would be divorced within 5 years with over 80% accuracy!! So, if your goal is to have a long, happy and successful relationship, be it with your mate, significant other, family member, best friend or a coworker, it is highly recommended that you practice positivity with them in thought, word and deed.

The Power of Positivity in the Workplace 

Similar findings have occurred in business. Researchers such as Dr. Marcial Losada have found that teams which began with a positivity ratio of 5.0 or better were more likely to alternate between advocating for their own beliefs/ideas and asking questions about the beliefs/ideas of others, as well as alternating between talking just about themselves with talking about the views and opinions of others. Thus, they were promoting good communication, positive collaboration, powerful teamwork, and of course outstanding results!

Those teams with a ratio below 1.0 were much more likely to talk about themselves and their ideas, not others. This resulted in decreased profitability, lower customer satisfaction and lower performance assessments by superiors, peers and subordinates.

In conclusion, if you want to have happy, fulfilling and lasting relationships, definitely practice positivity. If you want to have a highly successful and profitable business with a high performing team, do likewise! Your efforts will be rewarded emotionally, relationally and financially.

Given the outstanding benefits of positivity, when will you begin practicing your positive behaviors of better listening, appreciating, affirming and collaborating? For more information on how to enact positivity in the workplace and/or executive coaching, please contact me and schedule your FREE 15-minute discovery call.

Lee Stoltzfus, Ph.D.

Lee Stoltzfus, Ph.D. (Dr. Lee) is the founder and CEO of L.I.F.E. Management Systems. He has been a licensed psychologist for over 30 years and an executive coach for over 25 years.

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